Happy Glasgow Halloween #COP26

As world leaders prepare to decend on our rat infested SNP led City, who needs ghouls and ghosts this Halloween? We surely have the biggest bunch of satan worshiping evil congregated it one place since the Salem witch trials, Hitlers death camps or the ISIS Caliphate.

The Devil went down to Glasgow…

To give the Salem witch trials ISIS and Hitler the credit they’re due, at least they were honest about their intentions. This cannot be said of many if any of the attendees arriving on private jets to the city.

The majority of the “Free World” led by the biggest fraud of them all LGB or FJB if you prefer, is under a cloud of threatened house arrest and as Anas Sarwar threatened last week on BBC Question Time, door to door vaccination hit squads of an experimental biological agent, not even qualifying under the time honoured definition of vaccine.

The English speaking world and Europe, bar Nordic countries, are diving head long into this tyranny of governments, which will coerce, threaten, arrest and cancel anyone who stands in their way. The pace of the decent into hell has been a little less that 2 years and here we are, standing on the precipice of tyrannical authoritarian government from which we are likely never to recover.

The Covid-19 scare was the tool that they used to ensure everyone covered their faces to make their crimes a little less distasteful to their psychotic plans. If they can’t see your faces you essentially don’t exist. Makes all the easier to wipe you out and reduce the global carbon footprint.

Which is the next big scare which they’ve been trying to get off the ground since the 90’s. With Al Gore’s catastrophically wrong predictions on global warming, now dubbed climate change. Over the last 20 years or so successive governments have had the opportunity to brain wash or psychologically condition all of those in education, so that we have 5 to 35 year olds who buy all of this unscientific balderdash, hook line and sinker. At the same time the government sponsored BBC and all other bought, main stream media channels have been pumping out a constant diatribe aimed at misinforming, demoralising, weakening society and dumbing down the masses, to the rest of us.

I’ve complained about the direction of travel for at least the last 20 years or so but complaining isn’t really going to cut it. I’ve stood for election, organised election campaigns, but unfortunately this has made absolutely no impact on the grip on power of those who are easily corrupted and self serving. I’m sure I’m not alone in seeing through the scam and doing my bit to highlight it. As time has progressed, almost all high profile commentators have slowly bought into the agenda and hegemony and sliding left into where we are now, very close to an authoritarian mega corporate sponsored fascism.

The descent into democratic hell has been a slow one, conducted over at least 20 years, but no doubt since John Major’s tenure in the UK, the Arch Europhile, being the first disaster to gain a grip on power, after the glorious, successful Thatcher era, for the UK.

The successor to the Communist leaders of the USSR Vladimir Putin recently chastised the west for its liberal policies on gender change in school children and rightly so, I’m quite sure Putin would have much more to say on many other oppressive and ill thought out, or more accurately, destructively thought out policies in the West. The only reason we heard about this opinion, was because the government and a complicit, bought and paid for, main stream media, chose to report it, in the belief that it would pile the hate on Putin. An actual hate crime which doesn’t count apparently, because its government sponsored.

Those paid by the state have been quiet, obedient and compliant for a long time due their livelihood being at risk and as the size of the state has continued to grow that silent block of UK voters has grown with well over 50% of the workforce in the employment of the government is Scotland, Turkeys no doubt wouldn’t vote for Christmas and a possibly dangerous ripple effect to their livelihoods, hence the SNP continued support despite all of their crimes, mismanagement and destructive policies.

If it were possible to rid Scotland of this mass socialist block and its leaders, I include the wannabe authoritarian Anas Sarwar, with his door to door vaccine hit squads in that, it would be a magnificent country and may have a chance of leading the world out of this global oppression and tyranny that has set in. A man can dream. I’d quite happily rebuild Hadrian’s wall to keep the authoritarians out and gladly welcome those seeking to live off grid out of the reaches of a corrupt government in Westminster which has overstepped the mark on countless occasions over recent years. I’d then mount a campaign from the North to embrace Northern England and push south until the UK was united in common sense. Possibly continuing the march to Gaul and across Europe. Freedom and Christian values being our banner.

The Scottish Tories aren’t much better unfortunately. The vast majority love big government, were Europhile remainers and look to their big brothers and sisters in Westminster to take the lead so they can tow the party line and possibly gain honours, like Ruth Davidson in the House of Lords. It appears to most that they are quite happy not to upset the apple cart, due to their positions of pseudo power and status, salary and perks of the job.

What a state of affairs, children being coerced to get a risky vaccinate, for a non disease as far as they are concerned, and many of us middle age and older citizens. It is time for mediocrity in our elected representatives and the old left/right futile arguments to cease. Freedom or servitude is the choice we have to make. George Galloway the veteran lefty libertarian, made a valiant effort in Scotland with Alliance4Unity but the stitch up of the legacy parties is overly dominant, for democracy to allow our nation, whether UK, England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland to really flourish and harness the Global Britain mantra.

Powers that be.. you’ve gone too far… as the song goes.

Happy Halloween! May it be our last, as ghoulish as this one.

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